What Did We Miss?

Show Notes: Metal Gear Solid

This week, I'm dusting off my PlayStation because somebody's never played Metal Gear Solid.

Well, technically it's a PlayStation emulator on a Raspberry Pi, but I've probably purchased Metal Gear Solid on four different occasions in 20 years, so Konami already has my money. And then some!

Why would you buy a game four different times? Well, because it's amazing (and because Sony and backwards compatibility don't mix). I played this game upon its initial release and have some incredibly fond memories of it, which we'll get into in the show. This makes this episode the first time one of us is sharing a personal pop culture touchstone that the other had missed, which we'll be doing more of as we go. As you'll learn in the episode, Matt's experience with the game wasn't ideal, but I think he gets it.

Here are some articles I found while researching the episode, plus some clips from the game, some guy trying to explain the ENTIRE Metal Gear timeline, and of course, Jill Sandwich.

EUROGAMER - Metal Gear Solid: The First Modern Video Game

POLYGON - Metal Gear Solid Defined Gaming's Future, But Couldn't Escape Its Past